DOMUSplus Custom-built houses

Architecture is the art of shaping spaces and volumes.  

If you wish your home to be a unique one, permeated with your individuality and conforming to modern interior design and architectural trends, while keeping in mind the limited size of the plot, as well as the limited budget, let our architects create your dream home.

The only thing you need to have is a clear vision, and leave it to us to design the building with respect to the context, considering the form, volume, space, and materials, but also responses to questions such as costs, structural and technological limitations, in order to create a practical, cost effective and stunning architectural design.

If you are interested, please fill out the template below and embark on an exciting journey to your dream home.


Feel free to contact us!

Our expert staff will talk to you and present all the possibilities and advantages of DOMUSplus prefabricated houses.



12 + 4 =

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